Sunday, August 17, 2014

Not the release I'd been hoping for.

EDIT: Updated dl link

While on the twitter, I mentioned that I had hoped to have at least the Hazuki Kagura Route done and uploaded by the end of this week for Haramiko, numerous problems regarding my current housing situation (and lack thereof) have caused it to be delayed. I have not been completely inactive though, I do have something for people to check out if they're interested. Onaji Sora Translations (the ones working on Haramin) recently released a beta patch for the game so you can check the quality of the translation and give an opinion. After seeing some of the comments for the unrevised Mamankyoushitsu translation patch, I think that'll probably be a good idea for me to try, too. While the Haramiko common route is already done, I'd rather not release that without at least one full route done as well, considering how short the game is.

As such, I have the first part of the HaraKano translation here, for anyone who currently has the game (and the time) to give their opinion on regarding its quality. Plot wise, it is just the introduction to all of the characters and day one of the story, but it is an accurate translation (this time; no April Fools), it has been fully revised for comprehension, and it does give you an idea of each character's personality. If you want to be a beta reader for HaraKano English, please download this archive and extract the files into the HaraKano install folder (exactly like you do all the other translation patches) and see if you like how it reads

English Patch on Mediafire

I apologize it's not more, but things are going on. At least let this show that the project is not dead, nor merely an April Fools joke.

Unrelatedly, great thanks to everyone who donated to LQT these past few weeks; I had received a desktop from some friends to replace the dead and dying LQT laptops, and with aid from the LQT readers and other friends, that desktop is now fully operational.

Meanwhile, Onaji Sora No Shita De Translations is continuing work on HaraMin and HaraTsumaNurse -

And a new(?) group, Crying Translation, is working on translations of various Swan, Norn, and other games -

I am working on translating Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki but I think I want to get a better typesetter than myself before I release it, since I am not good enough with Gimp to make the translation look good on the pages. Personally, I'm just glad to be working on something non-hentai

Again, I thank all of you for reading, donating, commenting, and supporting, and apologize that I've had so little to give in return. Hopefully that may change soon, but things look not fun :C
