
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

HaraKano Alpha Patch ~25%

If you may recall (or just scroll down), the last blog post, I mentioned the current state of HaraKano. I've been working at it extensively since then, and have completed all of Scenario1 (14,000 lines total). I've begun working on Scenario 2 (600 lines so far), but I feel that if I want to keep making progress on the translation like I have, that means I will have decidedly little time to go through and revise/correct what I've already done.

This is where you can come in, if you so choose.

If you have HaraKano installed on your PC, you can download the Alpha version of the translation patch (which covers a little over a third of the common route) and read through it in-game.

Then, as you read through it, if you could post any spelling errors, missed Japanese text, or mistakes you find with the translation as a comment on this blog post or as a tweet to the LoeQuality Twitter (just enter the text where the error appears) that would help immensely, as I'll be able to quickly find said error and correct it - without having to scan through thousands of lines of text and code myself. I get to focus on translating more of the game, and you get to know the characters better and see the state of the translation so far.

Just note: This is in no way complete. No routes are done, the common route is unfinished, and (unless I randomly picked some story parts to look at) it is really ONLY the first third of the common route. Only download and install it if you want to see the start of the story, and want to help try and find errors. I will also not be helping people with problems installing the game or the patch, as it is NOT DONE YET, and time spent doing that is time I could spend working on it more.

If this seems like a cop-out and you'd rather LQT do the editing 'in-house', for the record, LQT is not actually a team of translators; there's just me, doing all this. Life comes before the translation project, and completing the translation comes before correcting it, which comes before revising it (if I ever get that far).

That in mind, if you'd like to help support LQT and my translations more, feel free to donate via paypal (it's a good way to guilt me into focusing on it more), spread the word about these releases wherever, and kindly help others that are having trouble getting them to work. Swan games can be finicky like that.

So, without further ado, here is the ALPHA patch for Harakano:

Save the .zip and extract the contents of it directly into Harakano's folder, right alongside all the game files.
Delete everything in the "Savedata" folder before running the game, since the translation patch has a tendency to not work with the un-patched savedata files and breaks the entire game.

In other news: HaraKano has overrode HaraMiko and HaraPara for my main project right now, and all other side projects are on hold, though there may be an update from Batta soon in regards to the Fox-Wife comics.

Thank you all for your support and patience.


  1. It seems I'm nitpicking but if you want to change it heres something. very early on grandfathers says "The time left I have left on Earth is short." i feel like it should read "The time I have left on this Earth is short."

    1. It should, thank you. What it probably was, was that I was debating whether to write "The time I have left on this Earth" or "The time left remaining to me on this Earth" and I just didn't backspace as much as I thought I did. Thank you for pointing it out.

  2. During the first breakfast the M.C. asks to help the cat like girl (forgot her name) and says "Japanese-style, huh?... Alright, what do we need for that? Want I should prepare some vegetable relish and meat?"

    the last sentence is a tad odd. "Want I should"?

    1. "Want I should ____" is actually a phrase used in my region/area/lingustic group, etc. so it doesn't sound odd to me. Not sure if I want to try and change my translation to accommodate a more standard form of English when the meaning is still clear.

    2. It's a very uncommon slang. Sounds like Chimera or Frankenstein's monster made of words.
      "Want me to" or "should I" - only one of them is needed, as they perform the same function here. "Do you want me to" is clearly asking somebody, while "should I" can also be talking to yourself (not schizophrenia).

    3. I don't think it's as uncommon as you think it is. A google search finds it being used by Elwood Blues in the Blues Brothers, by Freddie Four-Fingers in Snatch, and even Police Chief Wiggims in The Simpsons:

      While it seems to have started as a yiddish-ism and/or phrase used by non-native speakers of English, I feel that, in my experience of the phrase being used plus the multi-national, multi-regional, multi-ethnic examples of the phrase about, it will works fine in the HaraKano translation, and would not be as though I'm shoe-horning the characters into any certain stereotype/dialects unfitting to their actual character (having various characters use this phrase is not, like, say, making a character from Osaka suddenly talk like they're from Brooklyn).

      As ungrammatical as it sounds to those unfamiliar with it, I'd rather not correct it to be perfectly grammatical, as I feel it'd be more out of place for me to write the characters as always speaking perfectly proper English, regardless of their education, mannerisms, relationships, etc.

  3. after the rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets to wake up Hiyo, the mc says "My Sister, Hiyo, has super low blood pressure. Because of that, any morning she can't wake manage to wake herself up..."

    without the "..."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The Swaneye Hara~ series author has a tendency to use ellipsis a lot, and I try to keep his/her ellipsis in whenever they're used. But it doesn't work for this line like it does in the original script, so that should be changed.

      I went to go change it, but it's weird; my line for that is

      "My sister, Hiyo (姫夜), has super low blood pressure. Because of that, any morning she can't wake manage to wake herself up (which is pretty much every morning), one of us has to try and wake her instead."

      No ellipsis (though I still forgot to erase the first instance of 'wake' there); are you using the most up to date version of the patch? Or did I just change that on my own without remembering...

    3. Assuming you haven't updated the mediafire file since you first posted then I am using the current one.

      Also about the "Want I should" part, I don't know if you should change it. One the one hand you shouldn't have to change your way of speaking to accommodate for people who might find it strange. otherwise you might be doing it a lot. But on the other hand its still might come off as weird to those who just havent heard those certain phrases. IDK, your call.

  4. NVM. I forgot "..." are called ellipsis's. I was referring to the extra "wake". I just wanted to keep it short so instead of writing the entire paragraph I just ended it with "..."

  5. Hello,Loe
    Thanks all the translate and excuse me if i rude .
    (i can't say i can translate but i confidence my hearing .... so i translate base on my hearing and using your patch ) ( only heroine voice )

    uh huh --> yes?

    why are you still so sleepy? Did you stay up again last night? --> look like you still sleepy? Did you stay up again last night?

    six thirty, on the dot --> six hour and 30 minute

    Yuu-kun, you've gotten so good at cooking --> Yuu-kun, you're improve / getting better at cooking

    Eh?... R-really? I don't think it's like that... ehehe. --> Eh?... R-really? I don't think is true... ehehe

    Right! --> Yes! (right got other meaning , i recommend Yes when short sentence or shout"!")

    Yuu-kun, I've finished everything for breakfast. --> Yuu-kun, I've finished making for breakfast.

    T-that sounds bad... Um,if that was the case, maybe one of us should go check on her? -->
    T-that quite problem... Um, if that the case, should you go check on her?

    You know, so it doen't happen? --> maybe it happen again?

    This little Hiyo here owes her life to Mother,Brother,and Marina-san. Yes -->
    Hiyo still alive because of Mother,Brother,and Marina-san help. Yes

    I do! But, you are my brother,after all. Marina-san, though, she helps up even though were not related. --> I do! But Oni-chan also wake up thanks to Marina-san morning call.

    I-I'm just doing what I feel like, is all --> I-I'm like do it, that's all

    I-I'm not ...super at all. --> I-I'm not ...perfect at all.

    and other......

    Sorry if i make mistake..........

    Loe, I respect your solo handwork and using your rest time to translate.
    I recommend you starter plan to recruit new member to help you.
    if you already planning and don't know where to look . You should check at Fuwanovel Forums.

    1. I think your edits are in the right place but...

      why are you still so sleepy? Did you stay up again last night? --> You look tired/groggy? Did you stay up all night?/ Did you pull an all night-er again?
      (unsure about all night-er; need to recheck the context)

      six thirty, on the dot --> (I think this is fine. Possibly allow the context to show the time, seeing am or pm is kinda distracting. Again, if possible) Six-thirty on the dot

      Yuu-kun, you've gotten so good at cooking --> Yuu-kun, your cooking has really improved !

      Eh?... R-really? I don't think it's like that... ehehe. --> Eh?... R-really? I don't think I have... ehehe (unsure again)

      Right! --> Yes!/Yeah!/OK!/Gotcha! (depending on how caual they and the situation is)

      Yuu-kun, I've finished everything for breakfast. --> Yuu-kun, I've finished making for breakfast.

      T-that sounds bad... Um,if that was the case, maybe one of us should go check on her? -->
      T-that quite problem... Um/Hm, maybe on of us should check on her? (you could remove the comma and add in ellipsis's)

      You know, so it doen't happen? --> You know, so this doesn't happen again?

      This little Hiyo here owes her life to Mother,Brother,and Marina-san. Yes -->
      (Hard to judge. I don't understand if the speaker is speaking in 3rd person for personality or if a broken translation. Clarification needed)

      I do! But, you are my brother,after all. Marina-san, though, she helps up even though were not related. --> I do! But Oni-chan also wake up thanks to Marina-san morning call.

      I-I'm just doing what I feel like, is all --> I-I'm just doing what I feel like... thats all

      I-I'm not ...super at all. --> I-I'm not ...perfect at all.

  6. I thank you so much for this patch Loe!! you are a great man and you are AWESOME!! However, please, please consider translatingHaruka and/or Kanna's routes, please, you can make it possible!. Thanks again for your hard work!! and best wishes to you!!


    You heard about the new terms? If you don't have any H pics maybe you can slip through but you might new new hosting if not- i'd read the details.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I don't have any erotic images or anything on this blog, so it should be fine.
