
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

HaraKano 44% Beta Patch

Hello all,

The HaraKano translation is still underway and still nowhere near finished. However, I have just completed translating the Scenario2.ks file, which brings it that much closer to being done. After this is the Scenario3.ks file (around 8,000 lines), followed by Marina's route (10,000 lines), Ayana's route (13,000 lines), Ren's route (15,000 lines), and the epilogue stories (1000-1800 lines each). As usual, I have not the time to go through and proof read everything, so if anyone is interested, they can download this beta patch and read through it for me.

The patch can be downloaded at:

and applied to the Harakano game as usual.

Questions, comments, concerns, spelling corrections, missed Japanese, and et cetera can be posted in comments to this blog or tweeted to me at LoeQuality.

Apologies as usual for the lack of revision and probable spelling mistakes. I'd like to make fewer, but, well... the Loe Quality Laptop (the laptop on which the HaraPara, Maman, HaraMiko, and HaraKano translations have all been done on) has had a hard life. ;_;7

Thanks as always for everyone's patience, and for everyone's assistance so far. If you would like to support LQT, feel free to assist with editing and/or donations are always appreciated.


  1. i ran on to a problem.

    I moved the patch in to the installation folder, moved and replaced the previous one and got this.

    1. It's asking you to insert the HaraKano disc :y

    2. odd. since its never asked that before.

      oh well. thanks. also thanks for this patch.

  2. Much appreciated. =)

    Thanks for your hard work!!

  3. Hi there, I hope everything is going great for you!

    Just wanted to know how is the translation going.

    Best Regards

  4. Thx for the work. I really hope you stick with it and finish it. I really hate games that only have the routes translated that the translator is interested in.

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