
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Junketsu Alpha Patch #3

Hello all,

As of today, I'd like to release a tentative third alpha patch for Junketsu Megami-sama. It should translate just about everything up to (and maybe beyond) day 10 in the Junketsu Megami-sama storyline, though that depends on the choices you make during gameplay.

What it is is I have translated the entire rest of the intro (including Izanami's arrival), and the first TWO choices the player can make for scenes with each goddess (these are all you can choose before they then give birth to their first child). I would have liked to translate each goddesses first birth scene as well, but at this moment I only have that completed for Vishnu. That may change in the next couple of days, but as it stands I am uncertain of my internet options for the next couple days (or longer), so I want to upload this now while I can. There is also one scene that I believe I haven't edited and revised yet, but I don't remember which it might be (so please reply to this post or post on twitter if you find any sort of mistakes, awkwardness, or oversights with my translation). For the record, the choices you can make during some scenes are also not translated, but that's only because I haven't found the script file where the choices are located yet.

Anyways~ With no further delay, this SHOULD be the link for the proper file:

Simply download the .med file and put it directly into the folder where you have Junketsu installed (overwrite the older file). Then run the game and start the story and everything should be in english.

Unfortunately, while it should be in English, it will also be in a rather squished together font type, due to format issues with the game engine that have yet to be overcome. As such, in order to actually read the English script, you will probably have to incorporate the use of a text hooker to catch the english text and display it legibly. There are other methods, I believe, but I have yet to sort that part out.

I thank you all for your patience waiting for this new patch, and I also thank the fans and supporters of Harakano for their patience with that final patch; I will begin working on it now, and hope to have it completed soon (hopefully it will be completed by the time I have better internet again). After that, I will begin -finally- working on Mahou Tsukai no Yoru and looking for a way to get the script for that to work with the game engine.

I thank you again for your ongoing support and interest, and hope you enjoy this release.


  1. thanks for patch! Does this mean you will be working on Haruka's route for HaraKano now?

    1. That is the plan, though my time might be more limited than before to work on translations

  2. I will be waiting the final patch of Harakano, I need finish that game.


  3. lookin forward to junketsu ill hold off buyin it till the translations done or if i get impatient at least till you get the text problem sorted

    1. The best answer to the text problem is probably to just use a text hooker to capture the english text. As far as I'm aware, that's the only way to actually read the text, since I'm not a programmer and no one who's tried has figured out a way to get it to display properly. Junketsu doesn't work as well with English as Swan games do. Chances are the text hooker will need the proper H-code to find the English text, though, and I THINK that the code is /HSN-C@41951B

    2. Yea unfortunately i get annoyed using a text hooker takes the fun out of the vn had to do it for a few lost patience for it as i haven't got junketsu yet its no biggie thanks for the code tho

    3. Try using "Visual Novel Reader", it is really easy to use.

  4. Thanks for all your hard work Loe!, any update on Haruka's route?, can't wait to finish it :3

  5. A waiting for Harakano Patch....

  6. Replies
    1. Admittedly, I've been busy with moving abroad and working recently, but I've been updating the LQT twitter( on occasion. I just haven't had anything finished that would warrant updating the blog.

  7. That's all right man, your comment is proof of life.
    I didn't know about the tweeter account so I was worried.
    I didn't want Harakano to be one of the dead TL projects. Thanks for replying.
