
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A quick update to Junketsu Alpha Patch #2

Hello all,

I wasn't expecting to make another post so soon, but it seems there's a better solution to the windows 10 display problems that Junketsu Megami-sama's english translation has.

BinaryFail from the FuwaForums took a look at the game and made a patch which changes the game's font around so the english translation will actually be legible:

If you are on Windows 10, make sure you install "Japanese Supplemental Fonts" on your system, then download the following archive:

Extract the two files from the .zip (one is the script file with the translation, the other is BinaryFail's .exe to fix the text) and move them directly into the folder where Junketsu Megami-sama is installed. After that, simply run 'PURE_GODDESS-mod.EXE' and the text should be much more readable than before. No wordwrap as of yet, but at least the english letters display properly. Apparently it also fixes a problem that Junketsu had where the game has troubles starting if you have too much vram powering your systems GPU, so if anyone was having that issue; here you go?

Thank you so much to BinaryFail; this will probably work a lot better for some people than running a text hooker alongside the game.

UPDATE: At the moment, the english script is not formatted to stay within the confines of the game's small text window, so be aware that if you use the modded .exe, some of my longer line translations may go down below the on screen buttons. My apologies; I'll look into revising that as well. In the meantime, if this occurs when you're playing the game, the third button from the right on the in-game menu (the one with the text バックログ) is the button that brings up the backlog of the game's script, which should display all the previous text properly so you can read anything you might have missed in the scene


  1. The modified exe file fixed my issue with the game not starting, but now VNR no longer hooks correctly to the game.

    1. Try this H-code to capture the text? /HSN-C@41951B

      It's been a long time since I used a text hooker with Junketsu, so I don't quite remember the h-code needed to find the text. I think there might also be two of them, one to capture the regular text and then another to capture the cell-phone message text. Whether or not BinaryFail's patch changes how the codes work, but I think the one I posted above is the right one for the game.

      In regards to the game not starting initially, he messaged me this: "The engine also seems to have a bug where it refuses to start because the GPU has a plentiful amount of VRAM. I have 4GB on mine. The error message says something about needing at least 64MB of video ram, hah... so, I modded the code to skip that error message."

      So if all else fails, maybe if you have a weaker pc or laptop that you could run the game on? Then you wouldn't require his patch and can just hook the english and japanese text like normal

    2. or actually, that code above might just be the one to capture the text messages. I found this when looking up the problem, from a post someone made a long time ago "You need to be in the right format, and locale. ITH can hook most of the text after that, though you'll probably need to use AGTH with the code /HSN-C@41951B to get the phone texting segments that happen throughout the title."

    3. The problem lies with the modified exe file. I did manage to run the game on a virtual machine and get the default hook code which you stated above to work quite a while ago. However, the VM wasn't a very favorable place to play the game in as it was very slow and glitchy.

      The modified exe definitely changed the hook code and the default one will no longer work. Any other hook codes I have found for the game have not worked for me either.

    4. I'm not sure if it will help you or anyone else discover the new hook code, but it looks like the new font the game uses to display the text properly is MS Gothic. Unfortunately, this is a problem I have no experience in solving, so I probably will be unhelpful towards solving it.

    5. BinaryFail noticed the posts here, it seems, and had this to say which might help:

      "I have a few comments to make, based on some postings I've been seeing...

      -Hooks for the modded exe should work the same way that they do with the original exe. There were no changes in the modded exe that would necessitate making new H-codes. I tried the H-code you posted... /HSN-C@41951B was fine.

      -The default/auto-detected hooks are not ideal for English text... Use the H-code (like the one that was posted) if you're going to hook the text!

      -My screenshot posting is kind of useless, but I've tested with Windows XP in a virtual machine ( -- and Windows 10 on a real machine ( -- both using the modded exe, with ITH3 for text hooking. Seems fine.... I can't comment on other hooking tools since I don't use them.

      -This should be obvious, but make sure the system's date/time format is set to Japanese (in addition to the locale, of course.)

      -Windows Vista/7/8 already have the "MS Gothic" font installed by default. Windows XP users will need to install East Asian Language support, and Windows 10 users will need Japanese Supplemental Fonts."

    6. Well, I'm really stupid. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it in Japanese format this time because I forgot to previously. Now, VNR is hooking onto the game correctly with no other input from me. Thanks for all your help though, I really appreciate it.

  2. So, how much money will it take to translate something different than the works of SwanEy, Swanmania, and the game Mahou Tsukai no Yoru?

    1. For commission work like that, if I agreed to accept the project, cost would depend on what the project is and how long it is.

    2. so, ill bring up some examples, Monobeno + happy end; Kourin no Machi, Lavender no Shoujo; Cocoro@Function!, let me know.

    3. On initial look, Kourin no Machi and Lavender no Shoujo look like they could be cool. But, I have no programming experience to make translation patches for these games, so unless someone has a patch, all I could do it make a .doc of the script

    4. so, can the .doc be made into a patch or something in the future?

    5. those two games have been worked on in the past, but the dropped, so i thought it be done.

    6. the .doc would have to be written like an acting script, so it couldn't easily be plugged into an english patch. It'd be better and more viable as a project if I had access to the patch (if there is one) for either game before starting to translate it.

    7. So, where do I get that?

    8. That's the problem; I don't know. If other groups were working on the games, they might have a patch ready for it, or if there's anyone in the VN community that likes to make patches, you could talk to them? Finding a translator is only part of the chore of getting a vn translated; finding someone to make the patch for the translation to work in game is the other :C

    9. ok, so lets say I do that, how much would it be?

    10. At an extremely rough estimate, having not seen the actual script for each games and not knowing how long they are and not knowing how long the routes are for each character and how many routes there are, probably more than five hundred dollars per game. It is unfortunately not cheap.

    11. well unfortunately, this is a problem i can't throw money at.

    12. It happens. Thank you, though, for your interest; I'll keep Cocoro Function and Kourin no Machi on my vndb list, and keep an eye out if a patch for either ever appears anywhere

    13. ok, I am back,I believe I found someone to help me for Cocoro Function, so can you give me a price please, thank you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Cool thanks for the translation.

    btw are you really going to translate the whole game? Seems like this one if much bigger text wise than your other games (Thats typical Lune) so i wanted to ask.

  5. Not to pressure you or anything but how is the translation coming along?

    1. I post all the non-major Translation updates on my twitter:

  6. Unfortunately, I legally cannot provide a link to acquire the game myself, but I wish you luck and might recommend sukebei nyaa, doing a search on the Japanese name of the game 純潔★女神さまっ (if you haven't already)

  7. It seems though you need to have "Japanese (Japan)" format for this game to run properly.

    Other than the word wrap, the patch seems to work fine for me and I'm using Windows 7:

    Looking forward to future patches of this game ^.^
