
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Quick Update before any Real Update

Mimeri's Route is currently around 50% complete overall. I plan on dedicating more time to it this and next week, so hopefully I will be able to get the full patch out soon (unedited and unrevised like the others). Meanwhile, I'm going to be posting a quick, twelve page 4koma story by Batta of Canzume Quality as soon as I finish the last two pages of it. It's a short, cute, and totally work safe story about a Photographer/Archeologist grad student and her Fox Spirit friend/roommate that Batta posted for free online awhile ago. I figure I can translate and edit myself easy enough and post it in english for anyone interested and, for whatever end, get some western support for Batta and his work (and add more to my portfolio. I can do more than just ero, you know.)

However, speaking of ero, one thing I could do to make the translation process go faster is more or less leave hentai scenes untranslated. I don't know how people would feel about this, but as it stands (for Swan titles, at least) hardly anything important to the story happens during the erotic scenes, and they are so full of stock phrases and sounds that translating them usually feels like a waste of time. I wouldn't cut them out of the game, of course, but I would just not bother to translate every time someone's hips were moving on their own. Would people be okay with this? Are there people interested in these games for the plot in addition to the erotic content? Let me know how you feel.

Meanwhile, I am still looking for work. If anyone knows any companies which could use a capable Japanese to English translator for various projects, I'd probably be pretty down for that. However, on the topic of translation work, People keep requesting I do these different games which have come out (which will understandably probably never seen any real translation offered ever), even offering commissions for them. As much as I would like to give these and other games the time of day, please realize that I do not know how to extract a game's script for translation, then repack the translation into the game so the text will be in english. This means unless someone can offer a tutorial on how to do that with various VN file formats, I am limited in what I can do translations of, limited to whatever novels people have already extracted said scripts from and/or made patches for. The only reason I can do all this Swan work is thanks to BonzaiMonkey's help, and much thanks to him for making this all possible. I also would like to thank everyone that has recommended me to different projects that I might be able to help with, and especially like to thank the people that have donated money to my paypal. It helps.

Only semi related to that, though, did you all know that (a major digital distributor of Japanese erotic works) has added an English version of their website, which works with Western Credit cards? This actually gives the western audience a viable way of purchasing a lot of Japanese works which were before totally unavailable before other than via torrenting/download. For people interested in erotic works, this includes VNs, JAV, Doujin, and more. Kinda neat for some of them harder to 'aquire' things (though the pages and registration might be a bit difficult to navigate, due to DMMs less than stellar english translation). Just a cool story, bro.



  1. Quick links readers might be interested in, to show of DMM's selection:

    Swaneye/Swaneye+ games-



    Minato Soft-

    JAV genre list-

  2. Personally I'm grateful for what you have done so far and the work you have put into this project and all the other ones you have done (Even though its a bit weird talking about hentai and stuff). To be honest translating the "ah" and "aaa" during sex scenes can be tiresome and tedious so its always a hassle to translate no matter what anyone says, that being said if you feel like its not worth it then its fine if you don't do them (at least im ok with out them) since the reality is that most people would be fapping at this point and sex is the universal language so we dont need the sound effects translated when we can actually hear the woman make them. Again I'm very happy someone decided to work on this (don't think I'm some kind of a hentai.. baka) so anything that is translated and its part of the Plot please dont give up and know there still one or two people keeping tabs on your work hopping for a proper release someday.

  3. I was playing Mamankyoushitsu and Hara Para!! (again since they are awsome and really into them) and the grammar and the flow of speech has really improved and its feels more natural and fluent to read and the characters expressions seem more legit with their actions on screen. I dont know how much this may mean to you but I really appreciate and value the work you did on these VN since literally no one in the world bothered to translate these (you being the only person with the dedication and care for it). Hope to hear from you and hope your doing ok... Kinda coming of as a blog stalker here but know that even if people dont leave a message or reply there are people who read what you post and blog about and hope to hear from you more.

  4. While i would prefer the H-scenes translated it wouldn't really bother me if they weren't, it is kinda easy to figure out whats going on in an H-scene.

    Thanks for all the work you've done up 'til this point. Can't wait for mimeri's route. Also do you plan to translate the rest of the game, or are you stopping after mimeri's route?

    1. There's no reason to not continue once Mimeri's Route is finished, though I would like to give more priority to other projects beyond this niche interest.

    2. Well i will look forward to it eventually. Also looking forward to all your other projects.

  5. Personally I would like the H scenes to be translated because they are such a big part of games of this nature. If people are interested in the plot/story, then they really should be playing other story-centred VNs rather than something like this. Thank you for all your efforts and asking for suggestions
