
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

HaraPara!! Toua Koizumi's Route 100% translated.

As I had some of it already done before beginning Mamankyoushitsu, I decided to complete the translation of Toua Koizumi's Route for HaraPara!! This will 100% translate Toua's route, from beginning to end. Note: This does not translate Yuka's route, which branches from Toua's.

Download the patch from dropbox via-

Extract the files and folders as usual into the HaraPara folder, overwritting any old files.

Harapara is Swan's 50th Anniversary game, featuring a number of Heroines from Swaneye and Swaneye+ games. For more info, check it out on the Bote moe wiki-!!

As usual, thank to Bonzaimonkey for making this possible. This is a non-profit translation done with no commercial interests. I have also begun to work on HaraKano again, but it will be a long process; the game is twice the length of Mamankyoushitsu or longer, and I haven't finished that either.

If you experience a runtime error with HaraPara!! there is a chance the translation has broken your save files, and you will need to go into the savedata folder for the game, and delete all the files inside. This will erase all your save data for the game, but it should run.


  1. natsuki's path also here or we need to reinstall patch to play different roads?

  2. Every patch includes everything prior, so this patch has 100% of the common route, 100% of Natsuki's Route, and 100% of Toua's route all translated.
